CCS2 2017
1st Annual Commonwealth Computational Summit

Post Commonwealth Computational Summit Materials

Below you will find the materials (Speaker's Talks, Student Posters and any other documents) from the 1st Annual Commonwealth Computational Summit.

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Welcome Morning Talk Click to download (PDF)

Academic Keynote (Pascal Hitzler, Wright State University). Click to download talk (PDF)

Poster Session Lightning Talks (One Slide/One Minute Poster Session Introductions)
Click to download (PDF)

Topic A - Big Data & Discovery (Session Chair: Dr. GQ Zhang) -

Olfa Nasraoui Click to download talk (PDF)
Professor and Endowed Chair,
Computer Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Louisville,
Title: Tell me Why? Tell me More! Explaining Predictions, Iterated Learning Bias, and Counter-Polarization in Big Data Discovery Models.

Jinze Liu Click to download talk (PDF)
Associate Professor,
Computer Science,
University of Kentucky,
Title: Algorithms Towards Querying Petabytes of Genomic Sequencing Data.

Katherine Thompson Click to download talk (PDF)
Assistant Professor,
University of Kentucky,
Title: Correct Model Selection in Multiple Regression Analyses of Big Data.

Topic B - Big Computing/HPC (Session Chair: Dr. Peter Kekenes-Huskey ) -

Guigen Zhang Click to download talk (PDF)
Professor and Chair & Halcomb Endowed Chair,
Biomedical Engineering,
University of Kentucky,
Title: Integrative Computational Modeling for Developing Means to Manipulate Biological Cells and for Solving Complex Engineering Problems.

Prashant Khare Click to download talk (PDF)
Assistant Professor,
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics,
University of Cincinnati,
Title: High-Fidelity Modeling and Simulation of Multiphase Flows.

Jeramiah Smith Click to download talk (PDF)
Associate Professor,
University of Kentucky,
Title: Analysis of Complex Vertebrate Genomes: Computational Challenges and Solutions.

Topic C - Future Technologies (Session Chair: Dr. Cody Bumgardner) -

Suzanne Smith Click to download talk (PDF)
Donald and Gertrude Lester Professor,
Mechanical Engineering,
University of Kentucky,
Title: Additional Data via Autonomous Systems to Supplement Traditional Sparse Sources for Weather Forecasting and Atmospheric Science.

Dan Stone Click to download talk (PDF)
Gatton Endowed Chair,
Von Allmen School of Accountancy,
University of Kentucky,
Title: Cloud-Based Text Analytics: Harvesting, Cleaning and Analyzing Corporate Earnings Conference Calls.

Himanshu Thapliyal Click to download talk (PDF)
Assistant Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Kentucky,
Title: Resource Efficient Design of Quantum Circuits for Quantum Algorithms.

NSF Speaker (Dr. Chaitanya Baru, Sr. Advisor on Data Science). Click to download talk (PDF)

Industry Keynote Speaker (Jeffrey Kirk, Sr. Principal Engineer, HPC Dell EMC, Server Office of the CTO) Click to download talk (PDF)

Poster Winners Announched***, Closing Click to download (PDF)

Student Posters (Alphabetically Ordered)

Andrey Smelter
Angela Collier
Anthony Rios
Austin Johnston
Behnoush Abdollahi
Chuancai Zhang
Courtney Waterbury
Da Bi
David Mathews
Derek Jones
Dylan Goodin
Evan Hyde
Fatemah Alghamedy
Hamid Hamraz
Kyle Windland
Lingyu Lyu
Manh Do
Nataliya Timoshevskaya
Qunfei Zhou
Robert Monsen
Ruoxi Zhang & Sara Newman
Sami Khenissi
Sem Yao
Sepideh Dadkhah
Silver Nyambo
Vijay Shah
Wenlong Sun
Yang Luo
Yu Zhao

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